The Platinum Standard for Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment Mindfullness

The prevailing standard for addiction treatment typically encompasses three crucial elements: (1) engaging in psychotherapy, commonly referred to as “talk therapy”; (2) utilizing medications like buprenorphine for opioid use disorder or acamprosate for alcohol use disorder; and (3) receiving support through meetings (NA, SMART, AA, etc.), mentors, sober houses, and similar avenues.

However, the superior standard of addiction treatment transcends these three components, resulting in a comprehensive approach for achieving sustained long-term recovery.

At an addiction treatment center based in Jacksonville, Florida, they employ six additional strategies to facilitate the recovery of individuals grappling with substance use disorder (SUD).


Addressing co-occurring conditions

The prevalence of co-occurring conditions among the SUD population is so significant that integrating this treatment component into the core trio mentioned earlier seems imperative.

Co-occurring conditions encompass depression, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma, personality disorders such as schizophrenia, and more. While prevalent in individuals with SUD, these conditions weren’t routinely identified until the past decade or so. A comprehensive addiction treatment program today is likely to incorporate standard procedures for treating co-occurring conditions.


Emphasizing physical activity

The positive impact of regular exercise on individuals in recovery from SUD has been well-established for years. A meta-review of 43 studies in 2023 reaffirmed the robust correlation between physical activity and reduced substance use among those undergoing treatment.

Regular exercise contributes to heightened focus on health goals, mood enhancement, and the introduction of structure into daily routines—essential elements for individuals in recovery.


Incorporating mindfulness and meditation

Similar to physical activity, the beneficial role of meditation in aiding recovery is not surprising. Apart from its known benefits in focus, relaxation, and alleviating depression, recent research from West Virginia University highlights its effectiveness in reducing feelings of loneliness among individuals in SUD treatment. Addressing loneliness is crucial as it is linked to mood and anxiety disorders, potentially increasing the risk of SUD.

Meditation and mindfulness sessions offer residents at treatment centers the opportunity to live in the present moment and mitigate restlessness, a common challenge for those managing anxiety without resorting to alcohol or drugs.


Providing nutrition counseling

Sustained substance use can significantly impact an individual’s nutritional status, making it imperative to address this aspect during addiction treatment.

For instance, opioid use may lead to deficiencies in vitamin C, potassium, B vitamins, calcium, and other essential nutrients. Similarly, alcohol use may diminish the intake of vitamins A, C, and E, zinc, and amino acids. Enhancing nutrition during treatment aids in healing the body, restoring balance, and promoting mental health.


Implementing sleep therapy

Living with SUD can disrupt sleep patterns, adversely affecting mental health. While sobriety can contribute to improved sleep quality, some individuals may require additional assistance. Strategies such as regular exercise, a consistent daily schedule, and melatonin supplementation can be beneficial.

Establishing a regular sleep schedule can have transformative effects on mood, alertness, energy levels, and concentration.


Utilizing neurofeedback

Neurofeedback, a noninvasive form of biofeedback, has become integral to the recovery process for many individuals with SUD. This procedure assesses and modulates brainwave activity to enhance self-regulation among those in treatment. Initially requiring six to eight sessions, with less frequent “tune-up” sessions as treatment progresses, neurofeedback can assist in managing anxiety, enhancing motivation, and improving other behaviors conducive to recovery.


In conclusion, comprehensive addiction treatment may encompass multiple components, potentially including four, five, six, or more distinct strategies. While some individuals with SUD might initially be hesitant about the prospect of dedicating extensive time to their recovery on a daily basis, the incorporation of diverse therapeutic elements significantly enhances the chances of sustained and successful long-term recovery.

