Online Virtual Alcohol Treatment Innovation


For years, America has been in the grips of an addiction epidemic. Addictions within various drug groups has gone up, especially when it comes to synthetic and prescription opioids. However, an addiction that is not going away is alcohol addiction. Alcohol treatments are still commonplace in American society. Finding innovations to improve treatments standards has, so far, not been easy. That being said, the rise in online virtual alcohol treatments has provided many who cannot bear facing the outside world with an outlet to gain support.

And thanks to Ria Health, a virtual alcohol use disorder treatment group, a new program is on its way. The company has put together a treatment program which has just gained $18m in backing. This will provide coaching and treatment for those looking to overcome and beat alcohol dependency and addiction. Their latest Series A funding round, led by SC Health Investors, has been hugely successful.

The hope is that this will open up the opportunity to provide a more modern, methodical, and accessible form of alcohol treatment. Virtual care can be provided, included providing medication to help with overcoming cravings. This can include issues like acamprosate and gabapentin.

Coaching programs could provide the edge in overcoming addiction

Another hugely promising part of this program is the inclusion of a coaching program. This will provide patients with coaching that will include the setting of goals and holding patients accountable. It will also provide support for coping mechanisms on rough days, and assessments to help show patients viable proof of their progress so far.

Local therapy and support groups will also be provided, giving patients another place to turn to when they need support and help. Local support can be essential for treatment when those battling alcoholism feel more confident in their progress. By providing an excellent first-step that is private and virtual, patients can make meaningful progress. Then, when they feel ready, they can use additional support groups and local therapies to make even more progress.

Given the rise of drinking during the pandemic, many Americans have found themselves facing off against the ‘forgotten’ addiction of alcohol. The hope is that with a combination of both pharmaceutical support and behavioural improvement, patients can begin to make meaningful progress in their addiction battles.

The funding and capital brought in from the latest round of funding will provide care-delivery capability that can give patients access to the support they need. Over time, the hope is that this will give more Americans the chance to fight back against the issue and find a pathway to returning to normality, free from alcohol dependency and addiction.

A survey undertaken in 2019 found some fifteen million US citizens aged 12 and above suffered from alcohol use disorders. However, less than 10% of that group have looked to find treatment within the past year. Given over 90,000 citizens die of alcohol-related illness per year on average, this is clearly a problem that has to be tackled.

The aim is that by having a new form of treatment that more will come forward to confront, and defeat, the problem of alcohol disorder.

